Will and Kate: “They’re Comin’ to America”

Official word from Buckingham Palace (or its website, tomato/tomahto) is that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, also known as Prince and Princess William of Wales, also known as William and Kate, will be visiting the United States this July. Biggest. News. Ever.

The couple, who’ve had a July visit to Canada planned for some time, will be headed to California shortly after for a whole two days. This will be William’s first official visit to the States, while it will be Kate’s first visit ever.

Some notes: While I’m over the moon about the fact that the royal couple and I will be in the same country, I’m upset that they’ve chosen the Left Coast. Does Kate Middleton’s first impression of the United States have to be California? Let’s hope for Napa, San Francisco or Carmel and not LA. And let’s be honest. The people in LA are probably more interested to see if Pippa will be tagging along or not.

Also, off topic, do we think Kate Middleton will send me her hand-me-downs now that she’s shrunken and they’re going to be too big for her? I’ve too lost some weight, and I think those Issa dresses would look awesome on me.

And in case anyone is under the impression that I’m now a stalker, I will refer you to the scene in Notting Hill where Hugh Grant’s sister goes into the bathroom with Julia Roberts. It’s probably something more like that.

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